Videos and aerial photos for real estate

Provide an overview

Drones now allow us to take aerial photos and videos. It is a real plus to highlight the environment of a property.

In high standing real estate, having an overview is essential. The aerial point of view makes possible to view the building as a whole and to appreciate all the details. The videos allow us to highlight the environment of the property.

A pretty park, hectares of forest or even quite simply a charming entry way contribute a lot to the charm of a house for sale.

Videos and aerial photos for real estate


Internal competence at the agency

We have chosen to train ourselves in aerial photography by drone. Declaring our activity to the DGAC and validating a theoretical ULM diploma. It is a significant time investment but thus we are flexible and autonomous.


  • Declared to the DGAC
  • ULM theoretical diploma
  • Trained in piloting and in compliance with piloting rules

Discover all our video achievements on our Youtube channel