Sell with Leforestier

Optimizing internet communication requires significant human and financial resources.

Leforestier Immobilier favors quality over quantity. In exchange for the trust of the owners who grant us sole agent, we invest in time, resources, technical expertise, editorial expertise, SEO...

HDR photo

Photography is and will remain our first priority in communication. "A photograph is worth more than a hundred words" is a saying. Web portals, digital media, photography are always available to everyone.

Therefore, to achieve the best outside and inside shots, Leforestier agency employees have been trained with professional photographers and are equipped with "ultra wide angle" lenses and software to broadcast reports in very high definition.

Video editing, aerial photography

Since late 2017 the agency has a drone for aerial shots. We have complied with legislation by validating a ULM theoretical diploma and declaring our activity to the competent authorities (DGAC).

Benefit for the agency is wide:
- Aerial shots give the opportunity to see the properties as a whole and from a new angle. As we are specializing in weldings full of character, the value of this new tool is huge.
- Mastering the competence internally to the agency and not by an external provider allows us to be flexible and to take the best shots at the best time. We get closer to our customers while showing the best of their property.
- Potential buyers are very sensitive to video editing and aerial shots.At Leforestier agency, we do not sell surface areas, rooms or grounds but unique properties with their own assets. Video is allowing us to do so!

3D Matterport 

In a permanent questioning of our communication practices, at the Leforestier agency we were interested at the beginning of 2018 in new technologies allowing to realize 3D virtual visits. Among all the available offers ranging from the 360 ​​photo to the real 3D scanner, it is of course that we are oriented towards the most successful tools. We acquired the Matterport technology.

This real 3D scanner allows us to bring a potential buyer into the interior of a castle, the house of charm or an apartment. Our potential buyers often live far from Normandy (Belgium, United Kingdom, Ile de France, etc.), they appreciate this type of new technologies. In addition, as a real scanner and not just a 360 camera, the device allows for 2D plans and a preview of the entire property in 3D.
The best is still to test it;)

Here is an example of a 3D realization for this castle on sale at Leforestier Immobilier.